
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

Money, Money, Money!

The teaching of the money is something that has a clear relation with the real-life of people, even of our students. For this reason, since they are young, they should start to be familiar with its meaning and the characteristics of each one. In my opinion, the best way of learning money is to practice and manipulate it.  Therefore, the creation of role-playing could be an interesting idea to do it since the youngest children. We can create a roleplaying in which children create their one coins and perform a role in a market. In the market, they will have to buy some products and sell others. I think it is such an interesting way of familiarizing them with the idea of the price of the products. Furthermore, it will be so interesting for them because they will create their own market. As it is a task that involves a lot of subjects it won't be boring for them.  This idea can be turned into a project for a trimester in which the subjects of Mathematics, S...

ICT resources for all students

Hi everyone! The diversity outreach should be made from different perspectives, attending to the methodology the dynamics, activities and the resources among other aspects. For the teaching of the measurement, there are different manipulative resources that can be used and that can be helpful. However, there are also digital resources that can facilitate the learning of children with different difficulties. I have been searching in-depth, and I have found an interesting webpage that is free and has been designed specifically for blind children or children with poor vision. Is has been created by the Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles (ONCE). In   Educación inclusiva ONCE  you can find different resources as digital games that can be used online. You can use their filters and focus on the subject and on the course you need. Concretely for the topic of measurement, there are some. Besides, it gives you other physical materials and ideas such as a list ...

Probability in schools as in live

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to share with you some ideas about the teaching of probability. But firstly, I would like you to answer the following questions.  How many situations of the real-life did you use the probability?  What field of quotidian life can be related to it? I am sure that most of you have found many times and have found many fields. In fact, this is one of the reasons why probability is taught in primary schools. It is very common in our society so it is part of their life. Children since are young try to make sense of their world, therefore, both the teaching of probability and statistics contribute to the searching of their world. Besides, I dare to say that they have live random situations that they didn't know how to face, so their knowledge about probability and statistics will help them to make their own decisions.  The idea of implementing close and real examples for the teaching should be always in the mind of a teacher tha...

Smartphones and tablets to learn

In the teaching of a subject like mathematics and in this case, a measurement that is our focus, the implementation of different resources is essential. For this reason, throughout the different post, I have shared with you different resources as the manipulatives and the ICT resources.  Smartphones and tablets are a good resource to implement interesting activities and games in class. In the different stores, you can find a huge variety of interesting resources. Some examples that could be interesting to use at schools are the followings. - Arloon Geometry   is an application available for Android and IOS. It allows to see objects into three dimensions and work with the different faces in two dimensions. Besides, it can be used to apply formulas and calculate the volume of the shapes. Also, it is interesting that it proposes a search of the treasure in which students get trails with the shapes. It has been designed for the third cycle. -  Probabili...

The magic of each child!

Teachers should face with heterogeneous classrooms, and they have to practice diversity outreach  in the best way possible so that the teaching allows each child to learn.  For this reason to use methodologies that foster it as the cooperative learning of the project learning in which learners can learn together helping each other will be interesting. However, we also should implement a wide variety of resources and activities . We can introduce real materials that facilitate to blind children as well as to children that have a manipulative intelligence the learning.  In the case of the teaching of statistics, we can implement statistics tables with real objects in a big and visual table. They can create by groups or with the whole class a big table and then talk about the information obtained.  To clarify my idea I want to show you a real experience in which children create their table. In their case, the materials are not real, but this could be on...

Statistics in primary education!

Statistics is one of the branches of knowledge of Mathematics that should be taught in primary school. However, on some occasion, it isn't taught.  Firstly, we should now that the introduction of statistics as well as probability into primary education it is a response to the necessity of fostering the learning of gathering, description and interpretation of data by children (Alsina, 2016). Nowadays, the teaching of these skills to children seems to be more necessary. They live in a world full of information in which having the ability to interpret and discern data from different sources is essential. From the first cycle of primary education until the last, we should contribute to the development of those skills. According to the studies of Fischbein, from years old children can manage random situations and therefore their cognitive development will allow its teaching.  Statistics is something that is in almost every field of life, so the creation of activities that...

What about Youtube?

Nowadays, learners' attention has changed toward increased use of new technologies, and especially in some ages with the use of platforms as youtube. The use of it in class will catch their attention and curiosity. In youtube, we can find a huge variety of videos by which we can motive our learners and review or introduce them interesting aspects.   One example is the initiative Aula365  which is an EduTainment channel for parents, children and teachers. It teaches and challenges students to different mathematical task in which we can work on the perimeter, area, measurement and capacity among other topics. In the following video, you can watch one of the videos from the channel, so you can see the types of videos we are talking about. The implementation of the huge platform Youtube can lead to multiple uses in schools. For instance, with students of the third cycle, would be a good idea to create their channel in which they will share their kn...