Money, Money, Money!
The teaching of the money is something that has a clear relation with the real-life of people, even of our students. For this reason, since they are young, they should start to be familiar with its meaning and the characteristics of each one. In my opinion, the best way of learning money is to practice and manipulate it. Therefore, the creation of role-playing could be an interesting idea to do it since the youngest children. We can create a roleplaying in which children create their one coins and perform a role in a market. In the market, they will have to buy some products and sell others. I think it is such an interesting way of familiarizing them with the idea of the price of the products. Furthermore, it will be so interesting for them because they will create their own market. As it is a task that involves a lot of subjects it won't be boring for them. This idea can be turned into a project for a trimester in which the subjects of Mathematics, S...